Many times we discount the small things that we do. We don’t give them any recognition or even acknowledgement. We simply put them in the ‘taken for granted” category. Well, we are actually doing ourselves a huge disservice.
Small actions are the steps that lead to BIG ones. When we actually are conscious of each action we take towards the unfoldment of anything in our lives, and are consciously appreciating every step in our journey, we are giving ourselves permission to win. Nothing ever happens overnight or on a whim. There is a process and before you can get to the big, world recognizable moments, it takes an accumulation of very small actions to get you there. Gratitude plays a huge part in how we progress with anything that we hope to manifest, especially when we dream of going big! At the same time, it is important to not play small but to consciously own what it is that you are purposefully doing and to put your mind, body and soul in its growth and expansion. However, to get from point A to point P, there are going to be a number of small actions that will be integral in bringing that possibility to life.
It is the small actions taken that are the building blocks to growth in any area of your life. So whether this is a relationship, a business or a project, the same thing applies. Be intentional and grateful with every step you take and hold a vision of where you want it to grow and go. If we simply are waiting for the full manifestation to be grateful, then we will railroad ourselves and it will delay the growth that could have happened sooner. Remember as babies, we all learned to crawl, some longer than others before we could walk and then run. Appreciate when you are crawling so that when you begin walking, there will be more gratitude that will grow and flow, and even more as you run!
Many of the lessons learned are usually in the small things and actions we do. It is the learning curve that helps us to modify and compromise along the way. Sometimes we may even experience a failing moment or two when we just want to give up. But if our why is very strong, we build resilience and when we apply more intentional actions to get back on track, we usually will continue our growth and expansion with what we desire and are working toward. It is the small steps that we take consciously that let us know if we are going in the right direction and help us to build our determination, perseverance and self-discipline, all key ingredients that allow us to stay the course. Small actions play a huge part, they are important, every little bit helps!! Be in gratitude for each part and trust in the culmination of it all!!