We are often so caught up in making the next dollar, striving always to be the embodiment of success measured by the amount of dollars in our bank accounts that we often forget about the other qualities of life that make us abundant.
I recently got a chance to listen to Ken Honda, Japan’s #1 bestselling guru of Personal Development and the author of Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money. You should get a copy of this book and read it. What he shared resonated so deeply with me because I have felt this to be my truth for so long. He says that there are Visible as well as Invisible Assets! Visible assets are for example: the money you have in your bank, the material things that you own but invisible assets are the relationships and intagibles that you have which you should value, like the ones with close friends and family, the people who trust and love you. When I heard this, it was like I received an overflow of energy that poured into me and lit me up so brightly on the inside. I glowed!!!! Also I have alwys felt on a spiritual level that there is a Divine Source that’s powerful and presides within us providing us with all that we desire.
Often times we forget about these beautiful relationships that we have created with other humans on this planet and how valuable they are. We also take our Divivinty for granted. So like Ken Honda talked about, it is very important that we cherish these invisible assets because if we should lose the material things, these people will be there for us. Even more so, i believe Divine Spirit is always with us and it is so important to develop a spiritual relationship with our Great I Am, the Creative Force of all life. Not to mention, the humans in our lives that support when we need it. If we become stuck in any area of our life, we have these alliances that we can look to for help in situations when we need clarity, when we are working on a project and we require help, sometimes we may just need to unload or recharge. These connections could also be the delivery system that bring you abundance in currency too. Never underestimate the how abundance shows up in any area of your life.
I thought about all the people that I have in my corner that I can rely on to be there for me. When I took inventory in my mind, I realized that I had a lot more people whom I could lean on if I needed their help. I give and I receive so much from others and i am grateful. Assistance does not always have to be in currency but it can come from wisdom and expertise shared with us when we need it. Sometimes it may come in the form of them being our truth tellers, waking us up to see the truth that we have been hiding from. However we also have to be invested in our own rescue and not only rely solely on others to see us through rough times. If we are invested in rising, they will be encouraged to assist us in those moments when we feel discouraged or low in our vibrational frequency or have simply run out of money. So cherish the relationships that you have. Do not take any of them for granted. Know that symbiotically we should always be serving one another with our highest good and as we give and receive, lets do so with gratitude in our hearts. Let us truly have each other’s back and value the shoulder that we get to lean on!
Our network is truly our networth, more valuable than we could ever imagine! As the many stars in the sky, that is the possibility of how much abundance we can have as our networth!! As we grow more in gratitude in our hearts, we will embody more of the abundance that is all around us!
With much love and gratitude!