Your Network is your Networth!!

We are often so caught up in making the next dollar, striving always to be the embodiment of success measured by the amount of dollars in our bank accounts that we often forget about the other qualities of life that make us abundant.

I recently got a chance to listen to Ken Honda, Japan’s #1 bestselling guru of Personal Development and the author of Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money. You should get a copy of this book and read it. What he shared resonated so deeply with me because I have felt this to be my truth for so long. He says that there are Visible as well as Invisible Assets! Visible assets are for example: the money you have in your bank, the material things that you own but invisible assets are the relationships and intagibles that you have which you should value, like the ones with close friends and family, the people who trust and love you. When I heard this, it was like I received an overflow of energy that poured into me and lit me up so brightly on the inside. I glowed!!!! Also I have alwys felt on a spiritual level that there is a Divine Source that’s powerful and presides within us providing us with all that we desire.

Often times we forget about these beautiful relationships that we have created with other humans on this planet and how valuable they are. We also take our Divivinty for granted. So like Ken Honda talked about, it is very important that we cherish these invisible assets because if we should lose the material things, these people will be there for us. Even more so, i believe Divine Spirit is always with us and it is so important to develop a spiritual relationship with our Great I Am, the Creative Force of all life. Not to mention, the humans in our lives that support when we need it. If we become stuck in any area of our life, we have these alliances that we can look to for help in situations when we need clarity, when we are working on a project and we require help, sometimes we may just need to unload or recharge. These connections could also be the delivery system that bring you abundance in currency too. Never underestimate the how abundance shows up in any area of your life.

I thought about all the people that I have in my corner that I can rely on to be there for me. When I took inventory in my mind, I realized that I had a lot more people whom I could lean on if I needed their help. I give and I receive so much from others and i am grateful. Assistance does not always have to be in currency but it can come from wisdom and expertise shared with us when we need it. Sometimes it may come in the form of them being our truth tellers, waking us up to see the truth that we have been hiding from. However we also have to be invested in our own rescue and not only rely solely on others to see us through rough times. If we are invested in rising, they will be encouraged to assist us in those moments when we feel discouraged or low in our vibrational frequency or have simply run out of money. So cherish the relationships that you have. Do not take any of them for granted. Know that symbiotically we should always be serving one another with our highest good and as we give and receive, lets do so with gratitude in our hearts. Let us truly have each other’s back and value the shoulder that we get to lean on!

Our network is truly our networth, more valuable than we could ever imagine! As the many stars in the sky, that is the possibility of how much abundance we can have as our networth!! As we grow more in gratitude in our hearts, we will embody more of the abundance that is all around us!

With much love and gratitude!

The Importance of Small Actions

Many times we discount the small things that we do.  We don’t give them any recognition or even acknowledgement.  We simply put them in the ‘taken for granted” category.  Well, we are actually doing ourselves a huge disservice.

Small actions are the steps that lead to BIG ones.  When we actually are conscious of each action we take towards the unfoldment of anything in our lives, and are consciously appreciating every step in our journey, we are giving ourselves permission to win.  Nothing ever happens overnight or on a whim.  There is a process and before you can get to the big, world recognizable moments, it takes an accumulation of very small actions to get you there.  Gratitude plays a huge part in how we progress with anything that we hope to manifest, especially when we dream of going big!  At the same time, it is important to not play small but to consciously own what it is that you are purposefully doing and to put your mind, body and soul in its growth and expansion.  However, to get from point A to point P, there are going to be a number of small actions that will be integral in bringing that possibility to life.

It is the small actions taken that are the building blocks to growth in any area of your life.  So whether this is a relationship, a business or a project, the same thing applies.  Be intentional and grateful with every step you take and hold a vision of where you want it to grow and go.  If we simply are waiting for the full manifestation to be grateful, then we will railroad ourselves and it will delay the growth that could have happened sooner.  Remember as babies, we all learned to crawl, some longer than others before we could walk and then run.  Appreciate when you are crawling so that when you begin walking, there will be more gratitude that will grow and flow, and even more as you run!

Many of the lessons learned are usually in the small things and actions we do.  It is the learning curve that helps us to modify and compromise along the way.  Sometimes we may even experience a failing moment or two when we just want to give up.  But if our why is very strong, we build resilience and when we apply more intentional actions to get back on track, we usually will continue our growth and expansion with what we desire and are working toward. It is the small steps that we take consciously that let us know if we are going in the right direction and help us to build our determination, perseverance and self-discipline, all key ingredients that allow us to stay the course.  Small actions play a huge part, they are important, every little bit helps!! Be in gratitude for each part and trust in the culmination of it all!!

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Commit To Growing Your Self-Esteem!

Re-ignite love for yourself. Infuse your day with positive vibes. Commit to growing your self-esteem daily to be your best self. How? By constantly working on you! Start with simply doing affirmations daily. This helps you to be in gratitude for yourself.

Each day I encourage each person to start their day being in gratitude for who you are and who you are becoming. It is at times tough for you to commit to doing deeper work necessary unless you can feel appreciation for self. We must know and acknowledge that Self-esteem is deeply rooted in SELF-LOVE!!

Sometimes clients have not yet mastered how to juggle the time needed while doing the everyday chores of their lives. So doing affirmations to start your day is a dose of inspiration that gives you the energy and will to commit to doing deeper work for your breakthrough. Tell yourself how beautiful you are, that you are confident, strong, creative, intelligent and courageous. Try it! It is best done in the mirror where you can look deeply in your eyes and feel a deeper connection to yourself.

There is so much healing involved in this work. Your soul desires your wellbeing…give it every possibility. All you have to do is choose!!

Thoughts, feelings, Actions...

Here we are, beings on a human experience. We have our ups, downs, we dance, we prance, we slip, we fall, sometimes we lay there waiting to be rescued but most times we get up because somewhere innately in us, we know that we are our own rescue.

So what is stopping us from stepping up and stepping out to live our best lives? What is stopping us from taking action when we have inspired thoughts? Why do we have lack of trust in our highest self? Truth be told these are questions that come up over and over again. I have come to believe that we have been primed so much by our physical world that we have forgotten that the greatest part of ourselves is our energy.

Energy is everything, everything is energy!! With our minds, we move, circulate and transform energy into our reality. From the mind, powerful thoughts emanate which move energy in that direction and enforces belief, faith, trust, and the courage to take action or not. We ultimately manifest our thoughts and beliefs. That is why it is so important that we are mindful of the very thoughts and beliefs we entertain. We have to consciously choose the thoughts and beliefs we focus on. From time to time, when we become low spirited, we allow negative thoughts and beliefs in, but as long as we transmute them out quickly, they cannot take root. Our thoughts are aligned with our beliefs, our emotions create our feelings which enforces our actions. Action is the catalyst that helps us manifest our beliefs. Each of these are interconnected to produce what is in us. To simplify it...our thoughts & beliefs guide us. Those beliefs help create the emotions that formulate the behaviors that shape us, which result in the actions we take whether powerful or limiting. So choose...

When we begin to journey on the path of conscious awareness, we experience awakenings that steer us from limiting thoughts and beliefs. Emotions do not remain stagnant in us, unless we allow them. Instead they move through us allowing us to feel and heal and as such we display healthy, positive behavior even when we fall and we unapologetically take heartfelt action even if we are scared.

Remember your mind is powerful and it sets the stage for action. It is all up to you! So change your thoughts...for good and change your life...for better!!!

Love, peace and joy...❤💛💚


We Are Always Supported!!

I woke up this morning with this message, " Seek first the Kingdom of God." As I pondered on this message and what it spoke to in my life, I realize that my disappointment in not acquiring something I desired, was so strong that I felt the frustration in every part of my being. So receiving this message made me go within to connect with Divinity. Within minutes I received, "Do not worry I always have better for you." I sat up feeling gratitude and thanksgiving flowing through me. I picked up my phone to share this and I saw two postings that solidified the messages I received. One was from Merlene Mullings and the other from Trena Aloma (will share both) signifying for me and hopefully you that we are all connected and supportive of one another. Being a Life Coach does not mean that we do not experience weaknesses or low moments. We all do! However we have to recognize them for what they are and move beyond those emotions so we do not get stuck in those low frequencies. We also share like I am doing now because in doing so, we help others to see that it is okay to experience low emotions, just not to allow them to linger or take residence in you. If you are struggling with something, please know that I am available to assist you. Let me help you to move beyond the negative emotions that have stuck to you. Inbox me or email me at for a complimentary call. We are here for one another!!❤

Two Old Journals & A Cup of Tea....

What two old journals and a good cup of tea can reveal to you about yourself...

Last night I stumbled upon two journals that have some years on them, you can tell right. I reclined on the sofa and decided to scroll through them. As I turned the pages, stopping briefly to read what was written on a few of them, the familiarity within those pages hit me like a ton of bricks.

Page after page, I read my aspirations and dreams that somehow never made it any further. As I got more immersed in these journals, I saw the same pattern, wonderful ideas stemming from my soul that were struggling to survive and some that had lived and died on those pages, never having the opportunity to authentically immerse. Oh my!!! Did I really kill some of my dreams? We are told that we must write down that which we want to materialize, I did! Then what happened? If we only write our goals down but do not take the initiative to take the necessary actions to bring them to fruition, I have to tell you, they will become crippled or die just like mine.

So I thought about what as a woman made me not feel bold enough to accomplish some of these dreams. Why didn't I take action? I thought about other women in my family and why they too didn't take action. I thought about women that I knew from varying backgrounds that were smart but they too did not take action. If we took the time to have these goals and dreams, why weren't we inspired to take action. What holds us back from showing up, from the realization that what we came to give is meant to help others? Who gave us the rights to this degree of selfishness? Oops, we did that!!!! Try as we may, we cannot blame the men in our lives for this one. As far back as we can think, when societal laws gave women very little nor no rights at all, we still managed to be trailblazers. Yet today in the face of technologyical advances, we have been primed by a society that have taught us to be judgmental of everyone and everything, even ourselves, to the point that we shrink. Everybody has a talent, every one of us have something of substance to share with the world. Yet we hide wondering how we will be judged if we show up and I have to tell you, I see it so often among women. We practice scorn, jealousy, hatred, disdain and lack of understanding so much that we have lost supporting and caring about each other.

So in this multi-faceted world we criticize each other harshly! We reduce ourselves to judging one another about everything. This has become our norm, so much so that we sometimes believe that people are or will judge us negatively when nothing is farther from the truth. We develop fears and anxiety from what we think or believe about how others see us. We take refuge in our heads with constant arguments going on between our two ears and develop subconscious placque (blockages) that prevent us from taking the actions necessary to get our dreams to materialize. We lose confidence in ourselves and in trusting each other. Our heart centers eventually become hardened and closed. We become unforgiving and cold. We immerse ourselves in low vibratory TV programs where women are depicted arguing and fighting and saying the worst to each other. That's TV, they get paid but we should not want negativity in our lives. We want to love and support one another so that we can in turn breathe wholeness and creativity back into the folds of humanity. It's time for us to heal!! Heal from our pain, heal from our anxieties, heal from disappointments and sadness, from not feeling good enough and unsupported especially with each other. God in divine wisdom blessed us as powerful creators. Women bring life into this world, we take care of our families. When women are well, our children are well, our men are well and our communities are well.

Thank Divine Spirit that there is an answer to all this! Even in the midst of chaos we can experience awakenings about ourselves and each other. We can rediscover our true nature where love, peace and joy resides. Whether I am right or not, savvy or quirky, who cares? At this point not me. I have decided to live on purpose and if that means that I will be wantonly judged, then let the judging begin. I am all in, but not to wallow in self pity or worry, I am all in to helping my sisters on this earth!!! We each can make a conscious decision to fully showing up for ourselves and each other.

So if you would like to learn more about our commonalities and how we can consciously support one another, then join me on Facebook for Sunday Evenings with Jean on Jubilant Spirit Life Coaching beginning on Sunday, April 21st at 4 PM. Stay tuned for updates via my facebook page Jubilant Spirit. If you have not done so, please like my page to follow. Let's start the conversation! Let us learn from each other and take action to heal our world one person at a time! It begins with me, it begins with you!!

Peace, Love & Joy!!!❤💛💚


I Am Rooting For You!!!


As I watched the Super Bowl, sitting on the edge of my seat, cheering for the New England Patriots, I marveled at how much the game reminded me about life. The Patriots faced a tough and talented team, the Los Angeles Rams, but they persisted play by play. Yeah for the Patriots, congratulations!!!!!!

I thought about what it took for each of these players to get to where they are They did not just start out at Super Bowl status, they did not always have fame and glitz. They first had dreams to be football players and they trained their butts off, endured all types of weather conditions, sacrificed time with family and friends, and dealt with being knocked down in the game over and over again. No matter what each player kept taking action to achieve their dream. And even though they knew that reaching pro, they would still endure knock downs over and over again, being sore, sometimes losing, they persisted and kept getting up.

So watching them play was a lesson in itself related to life. Each time that we have a dream that we desire to achieve, we have to push pass every bit of fear, lack of confidence and even opposing competition and take action. Even when we get knocked down, we have to get back up, sore emotionally, mentally, maybe even physically but ready to keep going. We have to because if we don't get up, we will not know if we could have created massive growth/prosperity/abundance in our lives.

In life we are always going to have others in our circles that play, create, work, perform just as well, sometimes even better than we do. We cannot let that deter us. No matter what, we have to keep taking action towards us moving forward. We cannot allow comparisons or negative chatter in our own heads to stop our growth. So keep taking action, keep striving to achieve your soul's calling. As my fortune cookie slip says, "If you're afraid to shake the dice, you'll never throw a six." Be ready and intentional to throw many sixes!! I am rooting for you!!!

Peace, love and joy!!

The Little Gem I Found In A Fortune Cookie

Do you always ask to learn about something when you need to? Do you shy away from asking because you feel diminished in some type of way?

Well I got a little slip of paper in a fortune cookie that made me think. Even though I never eat the cookie, I always love reading what is inside. So here is what this one said, "He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning." Learning what, the truth??? This cookie has some taste to it!

There are so many types of situations that come up for us that require us to ask for clarification, for help or just information to move us to our next step. I plugged this into every scenario, I could think of. Guess what? It applies to just about all of them, okay maybe at varying degrees, but this little bit of wisdom still applies. Many times when we are stuck due to fear, worry, sadness, shame, etc., we are so caught up in those negative e-motions that we fear how others will judge us or how the truth will affect us. So instead we stay in our own heads and listen to more of the negative chatter going on in that space between our two ears.

Relationships have been torn apart, friendships have ended, jobs have been lost, trust has been thrown out the door, laughter and love have diminished because of misunderstandings. There are so many things that we can learn from simply having an open mind and just asking. We can even learn things about ourselves that we never knew or was apprehensive to learn. We can learn about each other, about situations and truths that we once may have perceived wrongfully. We can learn about how we truly feel about the other and we can learn that we are all more alike than we are different.

So next time, you are unsure about something, just ask. You may be surprised just how much you may learn. Asking opens up a sea of learning. I am getting myself prepped to ask a few questions because darn it, I need clarification on how best to do a technique. I know I am not dumb but I need to know. Not asking means I set myself back and I am not about to do that. There are things I need to learn and I am okay with that, so since there is no shame to my game, you best believe I will be asking.

Remember, we are all here for one another...

Peace, love & joy!

You are unique!

Hi Lovelies, it is just me, Jean Shim and I am feeling so connected to Spirit today. During meditation I absolutely got the best insight likened unto a tree. So I choose to share this awakening with you. One of the components that make up a tree is each leaf that grows from it. However no matter how small or how magnificent a tree is, no two leaves are exactly the same. Every individual leaf is unique!

My intention going into meditation was that I give myself permission to be whole and show up as myself. Well I was blessed with the message that no one in a physical body is exactly the same. Therefore I am unique and so are you, each and every one of you. Just like each leaf on the tree having its own individuality yet still a part of the tree, so too are we. We are all part of the whole, the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe yet we all journey this earth in individual bodies on a quest to heal and grow in consciousness. So I wondered, if we are from the same source, alike in spirit, yet unique, then why do we compare ourselves with one another? Why do we tear each other down with destructive words and actions towards one another? Why haven’t we used our uniqueness to help draw us together more as a whole?

Each of us is specially created for a purpose that we must awaken to. It is imperative that we become vigilant about awakening our consciousness so that we will have crystal clear paths about what we can do to help raise the vibration on this planet to unconditional love, joy, peace and enlightenment. So today, I ask that we each take a pledge to live from a more gracious space instead of harnesses complaints and judgments against each other and even within ourselves. It is only when we allow ourselves to just be without judgement, to stand like the tree firmly rooted in our divinity that we will see the beauty and light of God in ourselves and each other and we will grow freely like the leaves that glorify and adorn the tree.

Peace, Love and Joy!!