“The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth.”
Trust Yourself & Rediscover True Harmony!!!
As a Joy and Purpose Coach I get to share my heart and my soul to inspire and empower clients virtually, on a Retreat or face to face, either one to one or in a group to connect to their love, trust themselves and take action to live a purpose filled life. I am also the Radio Host of Level Up, an inspirational program on an online radio platform, PRIMAL (www.primal4K.com every Sunday at 12, noon and Tuesdays at 7 PM). I hope that you have gotten a chance to tune in, it’s quite empowering.
Hi, my name is Jean Shim and I love what I now get to do! Believe me, it was not always this way and I wasn’t always ready to say yes to the calling on my life or even open myself up to the possibility…
But that calling kept getting my attention!
I decided to go into coaching because I realized that humans struggle with connecting to their true essence. We all need to break through limiting beliefs, step into our passion and purpose and choose to live authentically. This is indeed HARMONY but it is not easy!!! Our beliefs that we uphold in our minds about ourselves determine our results. This is mainly why so many people feel stuck and frustrated that they are not as far along as they would like. We will only achieve what our minds believe and allow us to act upon. So the more we doubt ourselves, become discouraged, experience stress and overwhelm, feel unsupported and unclear, the more we block ourselves from stepping into our full potential. Then instead of being able to create and live our vision, we self-sabotage. We really do need to TRUST ourselves.
Even though a Psychology major, I spent many years in a Corporate environment working in Finance, then in Diversity & Inclusion and Sales Management. These positions were quite varied but I learned so much about myself and others. I encountered many people, who seemingly accomplished, had so many limiting beliefs. One day while reflecting I looked at the patterns in myself and realized that I too had allowed fear and a lack of trust in myself to stop me from choosing consciously what I wanted to achieve in my life. Maybe to distract myself, I focused much of my energy on everyone else’s needs to cover up my self-doubt andlack of fulfillment in life. I just kind of went along with how things and situations showed up for me because I was so disconnected from my true essence. I constantly told myself that I liked being in the background (the lie I convinced myself of so I had an excuse to hide) while helping others to shine. The worst part is, to the world I pretended that everything was okay, but internally I was a bag of nerves, unsure of myself and filled with fear of being negatively judged.
Life can teach us a lot, it is like a huge classroom and I have come to appreciate many lessons. I fell to an all time low, consumed by limiting beliefs, particularly feeling like I was so unaccomplished, which just made me feel stuck in every aspect of my life. So to pick myself up, I first had to make the conscious decision to choose me. I prayed, meditated, read many personal development books and participated in self development programs but I truly began to connect with my true self when I received coaching. I am so grateful to each of my coaches for the guidance they gave me! I know what it feels like to be stuck and I know how liberating it is to take action in your own life towards your life’s vision and goals.
Let me ask you a couple of things! Do you want to be in more awareness of the infinite possibilites in your life? Are you ready to align to your passion and purpose? I am on a mission to empower men and women who are consumed with self-doubt, yet they know that they are meant for more, to reignite their passion, trust themselves and create a greater impact with their goals and dreams. So if you have been feeling stuck in your life, let’s chat. I am ready to inspire and guide you to living a harmonious life that is joyful, empowered and authentically YOU!! Let me help you to trust yourself!!!
Find out more about Jubilant Spirit and how you can live your best self.
you choose
Ready to take the next step? Simply sign up with me for a complimentary session and we will take it from there.